Sunday, 30 May 2010

A River Runs...

Canon 400D,10-20mm,f22,5',ISO100

I found this stream by accident, after looking at a small pond that I saw on "Google Earth", I heard running water and followed the river down until I came across this bridge. Thinking that the bridge would make a nice frame around the running water, added to that the rocks which break up the flow nicely. I set my tripod as close to the river as possible. I used the river bank as a leading line up towards the bridge and left enough head room above the bridge to add some interest as to the destination. 
All that and I only ended up with one wet foot, when getting as close to the river as possible ended up as getting as close with one foot in the river (maybe I should buy some wellies).

Monday, 17 May 2010

Broken Jetty...

Canon 400D,10-20mm,f22,1/60,ISO100

Taken earlier this evening at a local lake, I've been to this location before but only at dawn. However as this was a evening shot the light lit up the jetties with some great soft light. As you can see the jetty has seen better days, but it was the broken sign that really drew my attention and serves as a interesting foreground subject. The colour version was quite nice with some nice warm tones on the decking, however I prefer the mono version as it adds more drama (if you can call it that).

Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Canon 400D,28-135mm,f8,1/200,ISO400

I decided to take some advice from a book and find a single subject matter of which to base you pictures around whilst out and about. Well I took an easy one and decided on "wood". After the obvious fence lines and wooden sheds were taken care of, I came across some old railway sleepers. This one had a "52" nail in it. It's amazing what you find when you take a closer look.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

The Beast...

Canon 400D,28-135mm,f11,1',ISO100

Tried my luck with car photography, and I must say that working with such a reflective subject does cause quite a lot of problems. This was taken at dawn, the original idea was to use the reflection of the sunrise in the panel work as contrast betwen the black car and the dawn sky. However the sunrise never came and thus a mono version seemed the best alternative.
Now I know it's not an Aston Martin but if you can make a Twingo look half decent then the techniques must be working.